Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Update overdue

I just realised I had this blog, which has been very neglected :(
So here is an update on whats been going on around here.

A few weekends ago we started on our raised garden beds.
Hubby build a huge bed and we filled it with a mixture of composted chicken manure and a vegie mix bough from the local garden supply place.
We planted carrots,cabbages,corn,capsicum,zucchinis,onions,lettuce and marigolds(to bring the bees in).

I also planted some heirloom tomato seeds,leeks,silverbeet and butternut pumpkins in pots to get started while the soil warms up.
I have an old reptile enclosure that i use to start plants, as its warm and i have fitted a UV globe which help the plants grow strong and healthy.

Our Hyline chicks from January are now hens and are laying like champions.
We also added some younger hylines a few weeks ago.
We bought a lovely Speckled Sussex rooster, who has been dubbed "Stuart" and he has proved to be very fertile as every egg I have put into the incubator has developed.
We currently have 8 chicks in the brooder hubby made for me and more eggs in the incubator as well as 4 dz Japanese quail eggs.

The little Brinsea oct10 incubator is cracking along with more of our eggs too.
It had a less than average hatch a few weeks ago, producing only 5 live chicks from 19 eggs (fertility was not great from these eggs so another supplier has been found)

Out of the 5 chick 3 are still going with the other 2 being put down with very straddled legs.

Plans for the next few weeks include adding some duck eggs to the incubator and some bantam call ducks and bantam chickens to a new pen yet to be built.
More and more vegies to plant.

Oh and i have taught myself to sew (kind of) :)
I made skirts for the girls and shorts for the boys.
Going to attempt making dresses and possibly shirts next time i get the chance to break out the machine.
my crocheting is coming along great, i have made beanies and scarves and even attempted booties 9i made one).

Hopefully i will keep the blog updated from now on :)

1 comment:

  1. you are a brave lass learnign to sew..!
    See you tomorrow xo
