Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rain beautiful rain!

It rained yesterday!
Lovely rain always is always welcome.
I never complain when it rains i guess that comes from my upbringing on the farm.
Rain out there means everything looks fresh and hydrated and clean and in a week or
so everythings green.

I love the smell of rain and the sound it makes as it falls.

The rain yesterday wasnt very much but it was enough to loosen the dirt so i can weed another patch for gardens, ive decided to use all the areas in te yard that arent used by playing children to grow vegies and herbs.

Had a thought today that i might have a crack at growing chook feed.
Wouldnt be hard but the girls would love it.

Also might try sunflowers that would certainlly brighten things up.

I spent yesterdat scouring the net for ideas and seeds.
I found a blog that deals with saving seeds from vegies to plant the following season, now that i found brilliant!
So I currently have some tomato seeds fermenting and i will do some pumpkin seeds today.

I also sent some messages to some lovely fellow chook lovers,who had offered some seeds/cutting to swap or donate.

So on the way i have some garlic chives lemongrass,parsley,coriander,motherwort,
Gerbera (singles),Italian and curled parsley,cosmos two types,a couple of different sorts of chillies,Red and green leaf amaranth,Ashwaganda,Pomegranite,Rue,
and whatever else can be salvaged in another garden (thanks ladies).
Im also picking up some lovely free strawberry plants from yet another chookie person.

They also put me onto a site that tells you when to plant things for your area its great
Just put which climate area you are in and it tells you what to plant each month and even tells you when to harvest.

I have a lot to learn to make this work but im dedicated!

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